Monday, June 29, 2009

A Wedding... nope not mine!

This weekend I got to attend a Malawian wedding ceremony. I finagled the invitation through other volunteers who are working in Lilongwe. The groom was a co-worker of my friend. However, despite the fact that no one knew who I was I was given 'guest-of-honour' status along with my friends -- which in this case meant that we got good seats.

That's the bride and groom on the left. Neither of them look very happy, but apparently that's part of the ceremony. I haven't managed to find out why that's the case yet. Occasionally, the groom accidentally cracked a smile though so I knew everything was ok.

There wasn't too much romance involved in the ceremony. The bride's family presented the groom's family with a hen, and the groom's family presented the bride's family with a cock. And then there was quite a bit of dancing.

The people on the left are dancing and showering the newly married couple with money. We were told to take lots of small bills to the wedding so that we could take part in the dancing and showering of money. I took lots of 20 Kwacha bills (about 20 cents) and I did some dancing. They even played special music for the 'Canadians' to dance to because they didn't think we could get down to Malawian music.

All in all it was a pretty good time.... and the kids definitely had fun.

Next up are preparations for a visit by our projectdonors AGRA. This means that I had to postpone my trip north. I'll probably head that way in two weeks time.

Happy Canada Day to everyone back home!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mate i feel that was not the actual wedding.Its an engangement ceremony(chinkhoswe).Thereafter they can do the actual wedding.
    It depends but others carry on from there but most people do organise the actual wedding a year after the engangement and normally after that ceremony they cant be staying together if they are going to do the wedding.
    From the picture those guys were just shy and thats why they were looking not happy!Its a taboo there at my home to kiss in public!
    I have enjoyed your blog mate!
